GIF Senior Industry Advisory Panel (SIAP)
The GIF SIAP charter is to provide advice on long-term strategic issues, including regulatory, commercial or technical issues. It advises GIF on priorities, schedules, “market pull” opportunities and implementation possibilities.
Specifically, the SIAP, composed of senior industry representatives, contributes to discussion of the following:
Strategic review of R&D progress and plans for individual systems from the industry perspective.
Strategic review of progress and plans for R&D on cross-cutting activities (GIF working groups).
Views on system deployment and future nuclear energy fuel cycles.
Views on international framework for nuclear safety standards and regulations.
Senior Industry Advisory Panel
The GIF Policy Group established the Senior Industry Advisory Panel (SIAP) in 2005, recognising that incorporating industry advice from the earliest phases of GIF research and development would be important for future GIF technology deployment. The SIAP serves as a strategically focused “review and advisory” panel to the GIF Policy Group.
The SIAP is comprised of senior industry officials representing the electric power industry, designers, nuclear suppliers, and since 2010, industries interested in nonelectric applications of nuclear energy. Each GIF member country can contribute up to four SIAP members, and each SIAP member serves for a 3-year renewable term.
SIAP provides continuous support to GIF in building better connections with the private sector and increasing involvement of industrial partners. It provides industrial insight for GIF activities, creates opportunities for the industry to bring together different viewpoints and to share experience in terms of the development and application of new technologies for Gen-IV concepts.
Philippe MONETTE

Kazuya Ohgama joined the GIF Technical Secretariat in 2023. He serves as the Technical Secretary for SFR Steering Committee, SFR Project Management Boards on Component Design and Balance-of-plant, System Integration and Assessment, Safety and Operation, and Advanced Fuel, and LFR Provisional Steering Committee. As of October 2024 he serves as the acting TS for the Senior Industry Advisory Panel (SIAP).
After obtaining his Ph.D in engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, he entered Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), where he worked as Principal Research Engineer in charge of evaluation of core physics tests conducted in the prototype fast reactor Monju and a U.S.-Japan bilateral cooperation for metal fuel SFR core neutronics design and benchmark study.
SIAP Achievements
SIAP has convened many times since it was established in 2005. It meets at least annually with the GIF Policy Group. It has provided recommendations, observations and insights to GIF designers, researchers and governments that are focused on larger policy challenges such as security of fuel supply, climate change mitigation and radioactive waste management. SIAP recommendations are aimed at providing perspectives of plant investors who focus on risk namely the licensing, economic and political risks associated with siting, building and operating nuclear energy technologies.
SIAP provides continuous support to GIF in building better connections with the private sector and increasing involvement of industrial partners. It provides industrial insight for GIF activities, creates opportunities for the industry to bring together different viewpoints and to share experience in terms of the development and application of new technologies for Gen-IV concepts.
As Generation IV technologies are moving from R&D towards demonstration and deployment, the role of SIAP is seen as key for GIF to successfully engage with the industry that will be central to such a deployment being a success.
SIAP supported events
GIF SIAP convenes special sessions and supports workshop on topics that it considers crucial for the advancement of Generation IV nuclear technologies:
- SIAP Special Session on Advanced Manufacturing and Material Engineering (30, November, 2023)
- SIAP Special Session on Economics Modelling (18, July, 2023)
- SIAP Special Session in Toronto (6, October, 2022)