This report has been produced by a finance industry taskforce set up in 2020 by the Economic Modelling Work Group (EMWG) of the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) to consider the nuclear industry’s ability to report against Environmental, Social and Governance data collection and accounting metrics (ESG). Reporting well against ESG allows nuclear energy to be considered as an investable asset class; thereby allowing nuclear companies and projects to access climate finance. The report has been produced by the finance community for the finance community.
The report establishes not only how nuclear energy, as an asset class, has the potential to report well against a wide range of ESG; it highlights the importance of wide ranging, consistent and standardised ESG reporting to determine the credentials of all energy companies across their lifecycles and throughout their supply chains. The report discusses how ESG fit within international frameworks, including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992), the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and the Paris Agreement (2015), and how ESG are linked to the Green Bond Principles, while examining the relationship between ESG and the various taxonomies and other policy documents being developed around the world.
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