The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency has been supporting the activities of the Generation IV International Forum since 2005. It provides technical secretariat services; archiving records and documents, as well as maintaining the Forum's internal and external websites. The NEA Technical Secretariat consists of more than 12 staff members on both a full-time and part-time basis.
Gina Abdelsalam - GIF Technical Secretariat Chief of Staff
Takuya Funahashi - Technical Secretary for:
SIAP - Senior Industry Advisory Panel
Brent Wilhelm - Technical Secretary for:
GFR.SC - Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Steering Committee
GFR.CDS - GFR PMB on Conceptual Design and Safety
GFR.FC - GFR PMB on Fuel, Core Materials and Fuel Cycle
VHTR.HP - VHTR Hydrogen Production
VHTR.MAT - VHTR Materials (with additional Ceramics; Graphite; Metals and Design Methods working groups)
TF-NEaNH - Task Force on Non-Electric application of Nuclear Heat
Gabriele Grassi - Technical Secretary for:
VHTR.FFC - VHTR Fuel & Fuel Cycle
Franco Michel-Sendis - Technical Secretary for:
MSR.pSSC - Molten Salt Reactor Provisional Steering Committee
VHTR.SC - Very High Temperature Reactor Steering Committee
VHTR.CMV - VHTR Computational Methods Validation & Benchmarks
Elena Poplavskaia - Technical Secretary for:
SCWR.SC - Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactor Steering Committee
SCWR.CM - Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactor Chemistry and Materials PMB
SCWR.SIA - Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactor System Integration and Assessment PPMB
SCWR.TH - SCWR Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety PMB
SCWR_EG - SCWR Expert Group
TF-AMME - Task Force - Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Task Force
Kazuya Ohgama - Technical Secretary for:
LFR.pSSC - Lead Fast Reactor Provisional Steering Committee
SFR.SC - Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Steering Committee
SFR.AF - SFR PMB on Advanced Fuel
SFR.CDBOP - SFR PMB on Component Design and Balance-of-plant (CD&BOP)
SFR.GACID - Global Actinide Cycle International Demonstration provisional PMB
SFR.SIA - SFR PMB on System Integration and Assessment
SFR.SO - SFR PMB on Safety and Operation
Alexiei Ozeretzkovsky - Technical Secretary for:
ETWG - Education and Training Working Group
Seoyeong Jeong - Technical Secretary for:
EMWG - Economic Modeling Working Group
PRPPWG - Proliferation Resistance & Physical Protection Working Group
Marina Demeshko - Technical Secretary for:
RSWG - Risk & Safety Working Group
Sylvia Anglade-Constantin - Assistant for the GIF Technical Secretariat
Technical Secretariat Support
Emma Leguillon, Head - General Legal Affairs, NEA/GLA
Michael Fleming, Manager, Information Technology, NEA/ORM/IT
Manuel Bossant, GIF Website Programmer, NEA/ORM/IT
Eric Lacroix, IT Systems Engineer, NEA/ORM/IT
Nicolas Soppera, Software Development Co-ordinator, NEA/ORM/IT