Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR)
- Improvement of the Decay Heat Removal Characteristics of the Generation IV Gas-cooled Fast Reactor. Aaron Simon Epiney, EPFL, Lausanne (2010)
- Development of the control assembly pattern and dynamic analysis of the Generation IV large gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR), Gaetan Girardin, EPFL, Lausanne (2009)
- Development and application of an advanced fuel model for the safety analysis of the Generation IV gas-cooled fast reactor. Petr Petkevich, EPFL, Lausanne (2008)
Lead Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR)
- Improvement of performance of steel in liquid lead environment by use of coatings, K. Havlikova, CVUT, Prague, (2014).
- Benchmarking Thermal-hydraulic analysis code RELAP5/MOD3.2.2 beta for lead bismuth eutectic alloy on Nacie facility tests of natural and gas enhanced circulation, D.Balestri, PoliMi, (2014).
- CFD-based analysis of the pool design of a GEN-IV Lead-cooled Fast Reactor, .. Sormani, PoliMi, (2014).
- Behaviour of the steel T91 in liquid lead environment, J. Klečka, CVUT, Prague (2013).
- Application of advanced thermal hydraulic simulation codes for the analysis of heavy liquid metal flows in the ADS reactor concept MYRRHA, S. Palazzo, UniPisa (2013).
- CFD thermal hydraulic analysis of HLM cooled rod bundles, M. Scarpa, UniPisa (2013).
Molten Salt Reactor (MSR)
Etudes préliminaires de sûreté du réacteur à sels fondus MSFR, Mariya Brovchenko, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France (2013)
- Design of Complex Systems to Achieve Passive Safety: Natural Circulation Cooling of Liquid Salt Pebble Bed Reactors, R. Scarlat, University of California, Berkeley (2012)
Influence du retraitement physico-chimique du sel combustible sur le comportement du MSFR et sur le dimensionnement de son unité de retraitement, Xavier Doligez, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France (2010)
Cycle Thorium et Réacteurs à Sel Fondu: Exploration du champ des Paramètres et des Contraintes définissant le Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, Ludovic Mathieu, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France (2005)
Sodium-cooled fast reactor system (SFR)
- Analysis of Advanced Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Core Designs with Improved Safety Characteristics, Kaichao Sun, EPFL, Lausanne (2012)
- Single- and Two-Phase Flow Modeling for Coupled Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Transient Analysis of Advanced Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors, Aurélia Chenu, EPFL, Lausanne (2011)
Supercritical-Water cooled Reactor (SCWR)
CFD-Simulationen turbulenter konvektiver Strömungen bei überkritischen Drücken, C. Kunik, Dissertation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2012)
Thermohydraulische Auslegung des Zwischenüberhitzers eines High Performance Light Water Reactors, H. Herbell, Dissertation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT Scientific Reports, KIT-SR 7595 (2011)
Simulation des Dampf-Wasserkreislaufs und der Sicherheitssysteme eines High Performance Light Water Reactors, M. Schlagenhaufer, Dissertation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT Scientific Reports, KIT-SR 7582 (2011)
Modellierung des Strömungsverhaltens in einem HPLWR-Brennelement mit Drahtwendelabstandshaltern,S.R. Himmel, Dissertation, University of Stuttgart 2009, FZKA 7468 (2009)
Fluid dynamic design of complex mixing chambers, A. Wank, Dissertation, University of Karlsruhe, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, FZKA 7520 (2009)
Multi-scale, coupled reactor physics / thermal-hydraulic system and applications to the HPLWR 3 pass core, L. Monti, Dissertation, University of Karlsruhe, FZKA 7521 (2009)
Design of a supercritical water-cooled reactor - pressure vessel and internals,K. Fischer, Dissertation, University of Stuttgart 2008, FZKA 7429 (2008)
- Wärmeübergang von Wasser in vertikalen Rohrströmungen bei überkritischem Druck, M.F. Loewenberg, Dissertation, University of Stuttgart, FZKA 7320 (2008)
Stability Analysis of the High Performance Light Water Reactor, T. Ortega Gomez, Dissertation, University of Karlsruhe, FZKA 7432 (2008)
- Analyse eines Druckwasserreaktors mit überkritischem Wasser als Kühlmittel, B. Vogt, Dissertation, University of Stuttgart, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, FZKA 7428 (2008)
- Auslegung eines Brennelements für einen Leichtwasserreaktor mit überkritischen Dampfzuständen, J. Hofmeister, Dissertation, University of Stuttgart, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe FZKA 7248 (2006)
Coupled neutronics / thermal-hydraulics analysis of a high performance light water reactor fuel assembly, C. Waata, Dissertation, University of Stuttgart, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. FZKA 7233 (2006)
Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR)
- Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of an Experimental Reactor Cavity Cooling, System with Water: Performance and Stability, D. Lisowski, University of Wisconsin - Madison (2013)
- Granular Dynamics in Pebble Bed Reactor Cores, M. Laufer, University of California, Berkeley (2013)
Sustainability and Efficiency Improvements of Gas-Cooled High Temperature Reactors, A. Marmier, Technische Universiteit Delft (2012)
- Design, Fabrication, Performance Testing, and Modeling of Diffusion Bonded Compact Heat Exchangers in a High-Temperature Helium Test Facility, Sai K. Mylavarapu, Ohio State University (2011)