The GIF charter provides a general framework for GIF activities and outlines its organisational structure. The figure below is a schematic representation of the GIF governance structure and indicates the relationship among different GIF bodies.
As detailed in the GIF Charter and GIF policy statements, the GIF is led by the Policy Group (PG) which is responsible for the overall steering of GIF co-operative efforts, establishing policies governing GIF activities, and interacting with third parties. As of 2016, the GIF Policy Group is led by the Chair and three Vice-Chairs who assist him. (See Who’s Who)
The Experts Group (EG), which reports to the PG, is in charge of reviewing the progress of co-operative projects and making recommendations to the PG on required actions. It advises the PG on R&D strategy, priorities and methodology, and on the assessment of research plans prepared in the framework of the System Arrangements (SA).
Signatories of each SA have formed a System Steering Committee (SSC) in order to plan and oversee the R&D required for the corresponding system. R&D activities for each GIF system are implemented through a set of Project Arrangements (PA) signed by interested bodies. The PA addresses the R&D needs of the corresponding system in a broad technical area (e.g. fuel technology, advanced materials and components, energy conversion technology, plant safety). A Project Management Board (PMB) is established by the signatories of each PA in order to plan and oversee project activities; their main goal is to establish the viability and performance of the relevant Generation IV system in the technical area concerned.