Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection (PR&PP) Bibliography - Revision 11 - 2024

Updated on 19/02/2025

This bibliographic list compiles publications, including articles of scientific journals and papers presented in proceedings of conferences, symposia, and workshops, related to the PR&PP Methodology developed by the GIF PRPPWG and its applications. It is intended as a source of information for interested experts and researchers within and outside the GIF community. Sections 1 to 3 are devoted to reports, articles, and papers on the PR&PP Methodology and on its applications. Section 4 deals with articles and papers authored by PRPPWG members and/or non-members on topics related to the PR&PP Methodology. Relevant IAEA and IAEA-INPRO documents making reference to the PR&PP Methodology or dealing with related topics are listed in Appendix A. For the purpose of the present document, "members of the PRPPWG" is defined as colleagues who are or were members or observers in the Group or contributed to its work on an ad hoc basis and, therefore, co-signed some of its outcomes. In each section/subsection, papers are presented by member country/organization in alphabetical order and, for each country/organization, chronologically. Only references of openly available written reports, articles, and papers are included; oral presentations are not considered.

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