GIF talks with industry series #3 - LFR Developers: Ansaldo Nucleare

Date/Hours: 7 November 2024, 14:30 CET (UTC+1)
Location: Online - Free webcast
Updated on 19/02/2025

About this webinar

Join us for a GIF hosted webinar to explore the development for a commercial EU-SMR-LFR through the European international collaboration at European level towards the construction of ALFRED, the Advanced LFR European Demonstrator, by Ansaldo Nucleare, as leader of the FALCON Consortium.

-    ALFRED is a pool type LFR leveraging mature design choices and proven materials. This webinar will present how ALFRED project is implementing a staged approach in order to achieve operating conditions representative of a competitive commercial reactor. It will also discuss a set of existing experimental infrastructure supporting ALFRED and new facilities complementing existing ones under construction in Romania.
-    FALCON is also engaging with SCK CEN (Belgium). Learn how the partners are combining expertise to define the reference design of a commercial EU-SMR-LFR. The webinar will explore the roadmap to deployment, supported by two precursors: LEANDREA in Belgium, devoted to material and fuel qualification for the following units, and ALFRED in Romania, demonstrator and prototype of the commercial reactor.
-    EU-SMR-LFR: Discover how designers are striving for enhanced competitiveness through improved operating temperature, passive safety features and simplified design. The webinar will also discuss the importance of this development in terms of the closure of the fuel cycle for improved sustainability and security targets.

A Q&A session will follow the presentation, providing an opportunity to further understand how Ansaldo Nucleare and its partners are working to bring a Gen IV reactor to reality.

This webinar is the third of a series where GIF engages with industry representatives to bridge national and international R&D programs, industry needs and challenges. It is also aimed at and exploring new avenues for fruitful cooperation within the GIF community.

Dr. Mariano Tarantino from ENEA, the co-chair of GIF LFR provisional system steering committee, will facilitate this webinar. 

About the GIF Talks with Industry webinars

This webinar is the second of a series where GIF engages with industry representatives to bridge national and international R&D programs, industry needs and challenges. It is also aimed at and exploring new avenues for fruitful cooperation within the GIF community.

This webinar is hosted by the Lead Fast Reactors provisional System Steering Committee. It is the second of a series of webinar aimed at engagement between the GIF community and the nuclear industry involved in the implementation of advanced nuclear reactor systems. 

Who should attend?
Policymakers, industry professionals, regulators, researchers, students, the general public. 


Portrait of Dr Frignani from Ansaldo Nucleare - Webinar Speaker

Michele Frignani

Head of Nuclear Technologies and Product Development

Dr. Michele Frignani entered Ansaldo Nucleare in 2007 and is currently Head of Nuclear Technologies and Product Development. He covered multiple roles in the company, from technical coordination to management responsibilities of increasing complexity. He is now supporting the strategic plan, including the interface and synergies with the Ansaldo Group.

With 15+ years of experience in the nuclear field and 10+ years in coordination of innovative projects, he devoted most of his career in bridging the gap between academia and industrial sector, with a focus on the management of engineering and testing programs for advanced reactor concepts and small modular reactors.

He has a PhD in Nuclear Engineering at University of Bologna, and recently attended the Key Manager High Education program by CdP Academy at SDA Bocconi, Headsprings and IESE Campus. With more than 30 publications in journals, he is also invited speaker at various international events on energy and nuclear technology.

Portrait of Dr Mariano Tarantino


GIF LFR pSSC Co-Chair / Head of Energy Nuclear Systems Division of the ENEA Nuclear Department

Mariano Tarantino graduated in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2004. Ph.D. in Nuclear and Industrial Safety in 2008. Since 2008 he has been an ENEA researcher in the field of liquid metal technologies for nuclear applications, mainly related to Generation IV - LFR. From 2010 to 2018 Scientific Advisor of the Program Agreement between ENEA and the Ministry of Economic Development, where he coordinated all research and development activities on fourth generation nuclear fission systems refrigerated with liquid lead. Currently he is the head of Energy Nuclear Systems Division of the ENEA Nuclear Department, member of the Executive Board of FALCON Consortium devoted to ALFRED DEMO LFR construction, and member of the newcleo R&D steering committee, aiming at supporting the development of LFR-AS-30 and LFR-AS-200. With a background in thermos-fluid dynamics, expert in nuclear technology and lead cooled fast reactors, with an experimental vocation, he coordinates various projects at a national and international level. Among those international efforts Dr Tarantino is the Co-Chair of the Generation IV International Forum provisional Lead Fast Reactors System Steering Committee. 

Recording of the webinar

To watch the recording of the webinar please follow the link below to view it on demand on the zoom platform after filling the registration form.

Presentation of the webinar

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